

Listed? Worksheet Translation Progress PDF ODT Version CorrectBot
- God's Story (five fingers) 上帝的故事 (五根手指) 85% - - 1.4 (Original: 2.1) Missing
- God's Story (first and last sacrifice) 上帝的故事 72% - - 1.5 (Original: 2.2) Missing
- Baptism 洗礼 100% - - 2.0 (Original: 2.1) Missing
- Prayer 祷告 39% File:Prayer.pdf
File:Prayer.odt 0.9 (Original: 1.1) Missing
Forgiving Step by Step 一步步的宽恕 100% File:一步步的宽恕.pdf
✓ ?
File:一步步的宽恕.odt 1.3 Missing
- Confessing Sins and Repenting - 0% - - - -
- Time with God 与上帝的时间 79% - - 1.0 (Original: 1.2) Missing
- Hearing from God - 0% - - - -
- Church 教会 25% File:Church.pdf
File:Church.odt 0.9 (Original: 2.0) Missing
- Healing - 0% - - - -
- Dealing with Money - 0% - - - -
- My Story with God - 0% - - - -
- Bible Reading Hints 圣经的阅读书签
Please translate the main content in Template:BibleReadingHints. More documentation is in the Guidelines.
75% - - 2.0 Missing
Bible Reading Hints (Seven Stories full of Hope) 圣经阅读书签(给与希望的七个圣经故事) 95% File:圣经阅读书签(给与希望的七个圣经故事).pdf
File:圣经阅读书签(给与希望的七个圣经故事).odt 2.0 Missing
- Bible Reading Hints (Starting with the Creation) 圣经阅读书签 80% - - 1.2 (Original: 2.0) Missing
The Three-Thirds Process 三步走进程 93% File:三步走进程.pdf
File:三步走进程.odg 1.0 Missing
Training Meeting Outline 培训过程概要 95% File:Training Meeting Outline.pdf
File:Training Meeting Outline.odt 1.0 Missing
- A Daily Prayer 每日祷告 100% - - 1.0 Missing
- Overcoming Fear and Anger - 0% - - - -
- Getting Rid of Colored Lenses - 0% - - - -
- Family and our Relationship with God - 0% - - - -
- Overcoming Pride and Rebellion - 0% - - - -
- Overcoming Negative Inheritance - 0% - - - -
- Forgiving Step by Step: Training Notes - 0% - - - -
- Leading Others Through Forgiveness - 0% - - - -
- The Role of a Helper in Prayer - 0% - - - -
- Leading a Prayer Time - 0% - - - -
- How to Continue After a Prayer Time - 0% - - - -
- Four Kinds of Disciples - 0% - - - -

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