Version: 1.2
Plano de Leitura Bíblica
Apontamentos de leitura bíblica
Comece sua leitura bíblica pelos seguintes livros:
1. Gênesis
2. Gospel of Mattew
3. Atos dos Apóstolos
Every time you read begin with prayer: Ask God to help you to understand what you will read.
Answer the questions (see other side) to learn from the text.
Share with others or make notes about your thoughts, questions and what God is telling you.
Discovery Bible Study as a group
Meeting outline:
- 1. Como você está?
- 2. Prestação de contas
- O que você colocou em prática desde a última vez?
- 3. Ação de graças
- Quais foram as coisas boas que aconteceram com você na semana passada. Agradeça a Deus.
- 4. Read
- the passage together. Ask God for His help to understand it.
- 5. Re-tell
- the passage together (without looking at it).
- 6. Answer
- the following questions about the passage:
- 7. Goals
- Set personal goals until next meeting.
- 8. Pray
- Take time to pray for each other.
- Stick to the Bible passage
- Let everyone participate
- Encourage each other