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Okwegyako obutalaba

Okulaba amazima obulungi

Bulisekinomu kuffe alaba ensi okuyita mu maaso ge. N'amazima g'egamu naye bulisekinomu alaba obulambulukufu bwanjawulo era abivunura bulala. Eyo yengeli endaba yaffe ey'ensi gy'ejjamu.Endaba yaffe okolebwa n'amakka gaffe, aby'obuwangwa, era n'ebintu byetuyisemu. Kino kituletera okubera n'endowoza emu mundaba yaffe era n'obutekanya ebintu ebimu mumbeera ezitwetolode. Obubaaka nga tebusobola kututukako, newankubadde nga kyamugaso. Oluvanyuma tufundikila n'okusalawo okubi okusobola okubeera okw'obulabe gyetuli oba eri abantu abatwetolode.

Okulambulula ekintu, tutunulila embeera okuyita mu bugilasi, nga endaba y'abwo esengegya ebitundu ebiimu n'egyamu ebilara. Eky'okulabilako, endaba yaffe Katonda esobola okutawanyizibwa eddini. oba enkolagana yaffe esobola okusengejebwa okuyita mukutunulila obutesigwa: twagala okwekumu obutayibwa, naye ate mukaseera k'ekamu endaba eno eziyiza obuumu n'enkolagana ey'omugundu. Ebiseera ebisinga bino tetubimanyi kubanga twakula n'endaba eno era nga tetumanyi kilala kyonna. Naye Katonda ayagala tulabiledala bulungi era tumanye amazima. Ayagala okutusumulula mw'ebyo ebituziyiza nebyebituletera n'abantu abalala.

Yesu agamba mu Yokanna 8:31=32;"bwemugondera ebilagilo byange, nga muliddala bayigilizwa bange. Awo munamanya amazima. Era n'amazima ganabafula ebedembe."

Omuwendo n'omugaso g'obutalaba bulunji

Each colored lens that we wear has a price that we pay: We don’t perceive important things or we see them in a distorted way so therefore we cannot make good decisions. Why do we still wear them?

That is because they also have a perceived gain or personal benefit for us. This gain is always subjective and might not make sense at all from an outside perspective. For example, by wearing “rose-colored” glasses, I may simplify my life by blocking out unpleasant things. Or when I never say “no” to others and wear “glasses of helpfulness”, I might gain recognition as a helpful person, but in the long run I’ll burn out.

Often we’re not aware of these costs and benefits – usually we have been wearing these glasses for a long while and are used to the view. Maybe we have even grown fond of them and are not eager to face reality. Or we just think that this view is “normal” or believe “that’s just the way I am.”

The truth is we don’t see reality when we wear such glasses. That means we believe lies in certain areas and are bound by them. It may be uncomfortable to deal with our glasses. However, in the long run, it is always worth getting rid of them, otherwise we will continue to pay a high price for them.

Removing colored lenses

Often we wear more than one lens that shape our view on different topics. God wants to set us free from all of them, and He knows best where to start. By asking Him directly, we give Him the opportunity to speak to us specifically. The process starts by us asking Him questions and then He reveals specific glasses in our lives. Often He will also show us where these glasses entered our lives. With the help of Jesus, we can take the necessary steps to become free from that wrong view and remove these glasses and see reality clearly.
God doesn’t usually reveal everything at once because that would often be overwhelming for us. Instead he wants to encourage us and walk with us through this process step by step.

Application guide

Use the support of a good helper! If you feel pressured or somehow uncomfortable doing this please say so! If you’re ready to engage in a conversation with God, you can start like this:

Step 1: Asking God

God, through which glasses am I seeing You?

Holy Spirit, when did I first put on these glasses?

Let God show you what happened. If another person was involved: Forgive that person for what they did and for negatively influencing your view (see the worksheet “Forgiving Step by Step” for more details).

Step 2: Repenting

God, I’m sorry for wearing these glasses for such a long time. Please forgive me.

If you’re ready to remove these glasses you can continue:

Step 3: Removing the glasses and receiving God’s view

God, I remove these glasses and hand them over to You. What do You give me in exchange?

Say to Him that you take what He is giving you. Thank God for this new view and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to use this view.

God, I thank You that I now have this new view, and I pray that I can maintain and use this view.

You can ask God about specific topics whether you see them through colored lenses. Start with the following question:

Holy Spirit, through which glasses do I see ... ?

Suggestions: relationships; life; myself; my gifts; finances; friendships; church